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Digitising private documents

Digitise documents with our scanning service at the Gold Coast, QLD and benefit from the following advantages:

Secure valuable information

Save space and paper in the archive

Reduce time & effort for filing

  1. We scan in colour, black/white or greyscale
  2. Resolutions from 100 dpi to 600 dpi.
  3. Format: Maximum: 21,59×609.6 cm (8.5×240.0 inches), minimum: 5.08×5.08 cm (2.0×2.0 inches)
  4. as PDF, TIF oder JPG
Why digitise important documents?

Electronic archiving can protect your folders, contracts and documents.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Because by digitising your documents and records with our scanning service, you can secure important information and data for the long term. Not only from loss, damage or theft, but also from unauthorised access. The digital documents can be secured as PDFs against unauthorised access e.g. via specially secured data carriers (encrypted and password-protected).

Identity papers, certificates and professional qualifications are the official confirmation of our person and abilities. It is fatal if such documents are destroyed. But unfortunately, this is exactly what can happen quite quickly.

No question, the loss of important private documents is a nightmare. Regardless of whether fire, water damage or merely a playful dog with a pronounced salivation is the cause: trouble and expense are guaranteed.

However, electronically stored documents are better protected against loss in an emergency (fire, water damage, burglary) than data on paper. In particular, large quantities of documents can be protected more easily and cheaply than would be possible with paper documents.

Digital copies not just for emergencies

But even without such disasters, there are many advantages to making digital copies of important documents. If you are looking for a job, for example, you have all the documents you need, such as certificates, CVs and training courses, right at your fingertips.

Scan more = search less

If you digitise all the documents from important areas such as investment, insurance, etc., you can save yourself tedious leafing through thick folders, as everything is available on the computer with just a few clicks.

Even better if the documents are converted into a searchable format such as PDF; this way one has transferred the powerful search functions of electronic data processing to the analogue paper world.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Save space

Digital documents basically require no “actual” space, compared to the conventional archive in paper form. A file folder digitised by us with 500 sheets in colour, for example, requires only 100 MB of storage space, and up to 160 file folders fit on a 16GB USB-flash drive. The storage capacity for archiving digital documents is therefore almost unlimited.

Finding digital documents

We save each document as a PDF file including OCR (Office Character Recognition – text recognition). An OCR offers you the possibility to search for keywords, data or text passages and to quickly display within seconds.