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How to view a simple slideshow with Windows 10 File Explorer

With File Explorer on Windows 10 you can quickly and easily view pictures as a slide show. The pictures can be stored anywhere on the PC, a USB stick or an external hard drive.

Note: This no longer works on Windows 11 as Microsoft has removed this feature.

First open the File Explorer by pressing the Windows logo key and ‘E’ (⊞Win+E) or by clicking on the folder icon located on the taskbar:

Screenshot: File Explorer icon on task bar
File Explorer icon on task bar

Go to the directory containing the photos and click once on any photo. The “Manage” tab appears (1)‚ƒ ‚ƒ, along with the “Picture Tools” selection below it. Then click on “Picture Tools” (2) and another selection “Slide Show” becomes visible.

Screenshot: Manage tab on File Explorer with Picture Tools and Slide Show
Manage tab on File Explorer with Picture Tools and Slide Show

If you then click on “Slide Show” (3), the slide show starts in full-screen mode from the first picture in the selected folder.

Changing the slideshow settings

You can change the settings while the slide show is running. To do this, click anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button. A pop-up menu with the settings options appears:

Screenshot: Slideshow settings
Slideshow settings