Tel. 0413135207


  1. Please complete the order form and enclose it to your parcel, when you send us your originals. You can either complete the form online and print it out afterwards or print it out first and complete it manually.
  2. If you have any questions regarding the e.g. scan-service, the file-formats to choose or the order process, please refer to our FAQ or give us a call before you order.
  3. Once we receive your order we let you know by e-mail that it has safely arrived. Your order is then checked and processed.
  4. We check the number of items scanned against the quantity ordered.
  5. We notify you of the order completion and invoice you for our services.
  6. Payment can be made via online funds transfer or credit card over the phone.
  7. As soon as we have received your payment we will ship your items and inform you of the shipping date and of any associated tracking references so that you can track the delivery of your item.

Scan service

Please send us only the image material you wish to be scanned. We usually completely scan and invoice all the images sent to us. If you want certain images selected from filmstrips, film rolls or other collections (like albums), please clearly indicate that on the order form.
The minimum charge for any order will be AUD 20, due when placing your order.

Sending / packaging

We will accept your images in whatever you currently store them in. You can ship them in boxes, padded bags, slide carousels, slide holders or whatever you have at hand. When you package your items, please remember the following:

  • Consider removing any slides from bulky containers and wrap them in elastic bands to maintain the correct order
  • Use a sturdy cardboard box or padded bag that will be able to withstand shipping and won’t be easily crushed or damaged. Plastic storage boxes are not suitable and normally crack and break during transit.
  • Small shipments of photos should be placed in a card or protected envelope to prevent them from being folded
  • Wrap any loose photos or films in paper or a plastic bag, such as a food bag, to stop them from being scratched
  • Make sure they are secured and won’t move around in the container during shipment
  • If you are using a box, fill the empty voids with newspaper or other suitable packing material
  • Avoid using packing materials that generate dust or fine debris that could contaminate your items, such as shredded paper